Renewable Energy Articles

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what should i know about the workers safety and health in companies in this 2018?

By |May 16th, 2018|Categories: Engineering Articles, Human Resources Articles, Recruitment Outsourcing Articles, Renewable Energy Articles|Tags: , , , , |

With the aim of reducing the number of works accidents, It is vital to be able to answer the question: What should I do in terms of workers safety and health in my company in this 2018? Occupational health and safety emergence, has supposed a 180 degree change, both in the working life and day by [...]

Expatriate engineers or brain drain?

By |September 3rd, 2017|Categories: Engineering, Human Resources Articles, Recruitment Outsourcing Articles, Renewable Energy Articles|Tags: , , , |

Expatriate engineers or brain drain? When people talk about Spanish engineers who work outside Spain, one of first thoughts is that we are exporting the talent that is formed in the country and losing the investment made in our education system. And certainly, many professionals have found an opportunity to work abroad, but others work for [...]

Oil & Gas Engineers: The great leap into renewable energy

By |October 24th, 2016|Categories: Engineering, Oil Gas Energy Articles, Renewable Energy Articles|Tags: , , , |

The recent decline in oil prices has led a reduction in Oil & Gas sector activity, causing companies and sector professionals are looking for new alternatives. Many companies have set a gaze on this sector with the growing boom in renewable energy, in which has been a professional migration from one sector to another. In this [...]

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