Adaptability to the Industry 4.0: a Matter of Survival

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Adaptability to the Industry 4.0: a Matter of Survival

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It is unquestionable that both technology and the labour market are changing at an exponential rate. The big challenge of the Industry 4.0 is a big deal for society. For this reason the media has written about the pros and cons of this situation, creating discussions and providing different points of view. We want to give an optimistic view as well as to add a perspective of a Human Resources department.

Technology as a support, not as an enemy

The evolution of technology is generating changes both in our professional career and on the labour market. On the one hand, the professional career debate focuses on whether the technology creates or destroys Jobs. From our own experience, we claim that technology companies are creating more new positions than those that are becoming outdated.

On the other hand, the labour market evolves creating positions related to technology. For instance, within an assembly line the manpower that used to be required, has nowadays being replaced by machines that make the same process in less time. Although some kind of Jobs has become obsolete. It is important to remember that we, humans, control the machines, and not the other way around. Indeed, these machines need people responsible for their design, manufacture, production, maintenance… Actually, technology does not generate unemployment but it has changed the labour market. We have to be positive, we should not be afraid of the future or the changes this technological revolution keeps bringing to us. In contrast, we must use the technology as a support, and a motivation to achieve success. Also adapting positions and vocational training to Technology.

Are we prepared to face this?

Let`s update vocational training

Technology is moving at a pace faster than vocational training does, placing the education sector’s offer a step behind the companies’ demand. In fact, according to the data provided by the European Commision, 40% of the companies doesn’t find workers with the right profile (source: One of the reasons causing this situation is the absence of digital subjects in most careers. This leaves the new profiles that are stepping into the job market without the tecnological knowledge demanded by companies.

Education must be updated in two different ways: the first one is adding training in digital subjects, and the second one is changing the student’s mentality teaching them that changes are the only constant today. To reduce the gap between the demand of corporations and the supply of professionals, the education system should focus both on offering technical skills adapted to the demand of the labour market and on an emotional education insisting on a constant readiness to adapt to changes. The digital worker is a challenge for companies, every day new technologies and methodologies of work are born, and we must adapt to them. Today we are discussing about robots or the use of machines in the chain of production, but within 40 years there will be a new innovation that will change the rules of the game all over again.

What job vacancies bring with it the industry 4.0?

4.0 vision is seeking more than ever to add value and to be unique for their customers. Therefore it gives equal importance to candidate’s soft profile and educational degree.4.0 Industry requires people with interdisciplinary skills, empathetic and creative, with the flexibility and willingness to be constantly learning. Without doubt, the most demanded positions will be those related to new technologies. On one hand, the industrial sector requires a greater amount of profiles related to the automation and Robotics in production plants. Quite notable automotive, food, machinery and electronics sectors will increase their demands in: engineers specialized in robotics, PLC’s programmers (Programmable Logic Controller), along with engineers design and mechanics.

In respect of TIC positions brought by the industry 4.0, there are: programmers and software developers, especially for mobile; in the area of security increases the demand of Threat Hunters, Malware analysts, and experts in Ethical Hacking. The vast amount of data handling by companies created the necessity of Big Data and Cloud Computing specialist. These profiles are: architects of solutions Spark or Cloudera, and architects of the 3 leading technologies in the cloud (AWS – Amazon, Azure – Microsoft) and IBM Bluemix). Let’s not forget about the platform integration experts, who are more and more demanded by companies in order to integrate all data in one system.

ECB Engineering Firm has recruiters specialised in the recruitment and talent attraction of all specific professional profiles named above. Click here for more information. Industry strength by itself alone both companies and employees that they renewed, so both sides have to internalize the following: Adapting to constant change means survival.

Let’s go a little further with the debate,

 Do you think that this situation is affecting the conciliation of family life?




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